Community Calendar
To submit an event to this page: E-mail us a flier, press release, or the main important information (such as what the event is, where it will be held, who’s it for and entry fee if applicable as well as contact info/webpage for more information). You may also reach our front desk at (802) 775-7500 any time of day (leave a voicemail with said information if nobody answers). The sooner this information is sent to us, the sooner we will start spreading the word to our listeners on-air and here online! Thank you!
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please help Nick Duprey and family. On December 26th, after celebrating their 5 month old Emerson's first Christmas, Amy brought Nick to Urgent Care due what they thought was a cold. Shortly after, Nick ended up in the Emergency Room at RRMC and was quickly transported to Dartmouth Hitchcock. Healthy 22 year old Nick was in congestive heart failure and renal failure. He is currently at Dartmouth and recently received the news that he will probably need a kidney transplant if dialysis does not repair his kidney function.
Nick is currently employed at Davey Tree as a Foreman. He will be out of work for an unknown period of time.
Amy will be traveling back and forth from Rutland to Dartmouth to split her time with Emerson and Nick. Hotels are expensive and gas is as well. Any contribution to help Nick, Amy and Emerson during this difficult time is appreciated.
Nicks blood type is B+ and is looking for a match. If you feel like you could be a match please go to
The Van Guilder family of Whitehall needs help after a devastating fire uprooted their lives